Whilst doing the preliminary task, we learnt how to use the cameras and editing software.
we learnt the basics ins and outs of the equipment and by the end were rather familiar with it. We used the tripod to steady our shots while filming. The camera had a zoom function this further increased the aspect of our shots.After a few practice shots, we found the cameras simple to use.
The editing software we used was Final Cut Pro, this software was hard to use at first but after awhile we got the hang of it. This software allowed us to cut our filming, placing each shot on the timeline in sync with each other and add music to our shots. It allowed us to make each shot run smoothly with each other. We added credits to the prelim. This made it look more like an opening scene to a film.
In the filming and editing of your project, what worked well and what could have been improved?
In the filming of our prelim we filmed different types of shots including match and over the shoulder. When it came to cutting and editing and piecing together shots, we found that each shot worked in sync smoothly. We could improve the actual shots themselves. This meaning the focus on the character and surrounding. Due to it being a practice, next time we could improve our filming and acting.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you have used a shot/ reverse shot combination in your film
In our prelim, we found the aspect of shot reverse shot difficult. We filmed shots of the conversation between noelia and keir, but the idea of shot reverse shot was difficult to be seen. This can be improved in the final task as we learnt how to do this.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you achieved match cuts during the editing process
We used a match cut when there was an image of keir getting out his phone and the and image of his phone on the table at the end of the conversation.
In our prelim, we found the aspect of shot reverse shot difficult. We filmed shots of the conversation between noelia and keir, but the idea of shot reverse shot was difficult to be seen. This can be improved in the final task as we learnt how to do this.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you achieved match cuts during the editing process
We used a match cut when there was an image of keir getting out his phone and the and image of his phone on the table at the end of the conversation.
How did you make sure that you didn’t break the 180 degree rule? Or if you broke it, what have you learnt from this?
While filming we made sure we filmed from the same side each time. This made sure that we did not break the rule.
While filming we made sure we filmed from the same side each time. This made sure that we did not break the rule.
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